Document Type : Original Articles


1 Iranian Center of Excellence in Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Research Center, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Orthopedics, School of Medicine, Hazrat-e Rasool General Hospital, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran


Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral nerve entrapment condition, impairing median nerve function at the carpal tunnel level. Previous studies indicate a strong patient preference for non-surgical treatment. While some evidence suggests electroacupuncture may promote nerve regeneration and improve functional outcomes, findings remain inconclusive. This study aims to assess the impact of electroacupuncture on symptom severity, functional status, pain, and grip strength in patients with mild to moderate CTS.
Methods: This is a protocol for a randomized, sham-controlled trial. Thirty-eight patients diagnosed with CTS will be randomly assigned to either a treatment group receiving electroacupuncture or a control group receiving sham electroacupuncture. Both groups will undergo ten sessions over five weeks (twice weekly) and receive neurodynamic techniques as standard care. Outcome measures—symptom severity, functional status, pain, and grip strength—will be evaluated at baseline, after the fifth session, 48 hours after the tenth session, and two months post-treatment. This trial is registered at (IRCT20191208045652N5) as of 7/12/2022.
Result: Ultimately, the results of this study will provide evidence regarding the efficacy of Electroacupuncture combined with NDT techniques on Symptom Severity, Functional Status, Pain, and Grip strength in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Conclusion: This study will provide insights into the efficacy of electroacupuncture as a treatment for CTS.


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