Document Type : Original Articles


1 Department of Physiotherapy, University of social welfare and rehabilitation, Tehran, Iran

2 University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, USA

3 Biostatistics department, University of social welfare and rehabilitation, Tehran, Iran


Background: Chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP) is one of the most
controversial issues of experts. Positive Ober`s test was considered a contributing
factor to LBP. Common intervention to address such problems was surgery or
iliotibial band stretching. Recently, it was suggested that pelvic malalignment
is the contributing factor to Positive Ober`s test. Pelvic repositioning exercises
was argued as a solution for the treatment of chronic LBP followed by pelvic
Methods: In this single-blinded randomized controlled trial, 18 patients
participated and were assigned into the control and treatment groups using the
block randomization method. One side Positive Ober`s test as an indicator of
pelvic malalignment was used as an inclusion criterion to employ the patients
who have pelvic malalignment and asymmetry. Patients were asked to complete
the Oswestry disability questionnaire to assess their disability. Hip internal and
external rotation and shoulder internal and external rotation ROM measured by
a standard goniometer. An inclinometer measures hip adduction and abduction
ROM. Outcome measures were reassessed after 12 days. Data were analyzed
using the ANCOVA test to compare among groups.
Results: Patients in treatment group showed significant improvement of pain
(P=0.01), ipsilateral hip adduction (P=0.00) and internal rotation (P=0.02)
ROM and contralateral hip abduction (P=0.00) and shoulder internal rotation
(P=0.00) ROM and Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) (P=0.001)
compared with control group. There was no difference among groups for
disability (P=0.34) and contralateral hip external rotation (P=0.06) and also
there was no difference for contralateral shoulder external rotation (P=0.85) and
ipsilateral shoulder internal (P=0.13) and external rotation (P=0.58).
Conclusion: Pelvic repositioning exercises are an effective treatment to reduce
chronic LBP via improving pelvic alignment. These exercises improve GIRD and
increase shoulder internal rotation ROM, contralateral to positive Ober`s test.
2021© The Authors. Published by JRSR. All rights reserved.


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