Document Type : Original Articles


1 Department of Sports Pathology and Corrective Movements, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Unit (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Ragheb Esfahani Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Physiology, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Ragheb Esfahani Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran



Introduction: Lower crossed syndrome is a common condition with muscle imbalances and reduced flexibility. The aim of this semi-experimental pre-test and post-test study was to compare the effects of NASM and kinetic chain exercises on lordosis, pelvic tilt, and hip joint ROM in individuals with LCS .
Methods: This study employed a semi-experimental design in the field of sports. Thirty participants were purposefully and conveniently selected and randomly divided into three groups: NASM, kinetic chain, and control group. The NASM and kinetic chain groups underwent an 8-week training program consisting of 3 sessions per week. Lumbar lordosis angle was measured using a flexible ruler, pelvic tilt angle was measured using a tilt meter, and hip joint ROM was measured using a goniometer, before and after the 8-week training program. To analyze the data, the statistical method of analysis of variance with repeated measures was used and the level of significance was considered to be P ≥ 0.05. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26 software
Results: the results showed that both NASM and kinetic chain exercises significantly decreased lumbar lordosis (P=0.000 for both)  and anterior tilt of the pelvis (P=0.000 for both) and significantly increased hip joint ROM in flexion and extension (P=0.000 for both). Follow-up tests showed that the NASM exercises had a greater effect on reducing lumbar lordosis, anterior tilt of the pelvis, and increasing the ROM of hip flexion compared to kinetic chain exercises, while the kinetic chain exercises had a greater effect on increasing the ROM of hip extension compared to NASM exercises.
Conclusion: In conclusion NASM and kinetic chain exercises can be used by corrective exercise experts to improve the symptoms of LCS. NASM exercises are particularly effective in reducing lumbar lordosis and anterior tilt of the pelvis, as well as increasing the ROM of hip flexion, while kinetic chain exercises should be used to increase the ROM of hip extension.
