Hoora Motie; Mahmood Heidari; Fatemeh bagherian; Fariba Zarani
Volume 5, Issue 3 , September 2018, , Pages 86-92
Background: Time perception is considered as an important subject incognitive psychology, which is essential for our understanding regarding brainmechanisms underlying human cognition ...
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Background: Time perception is considered as an important subject incognitive psychology, which is essential for our understanding regarding brainmechanisms underlying human cognition and disabilities. Deficits in timeperception have been found in people with both attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD), dyslexia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. The presentstudy aimed at developing and evaluating the Time Perception Software witha sample including 152 Iranian students.Methods: The computerized time perception task was designed based on timeestimation, reproduction, production and time comparison method. In order toverify the reliability of the task, 30 students which were participated in the testsample repeated the test after one month. The content and construct validitywere used in order to examine the validity of the task. The construct validityof the time perception task was verified by analyzing the confirmatory factoranalysis using the Amos 24 software.Results: In the modified model, the comparison factor was eliminated(CFI=0.965). The highest correlation was observed in the time estimation of11 seconds with a correlation coefficient which was equal to 0.935 (P=0.001),while the lowest correlation coefficient was observed in the time production of17 seconds with the correlation coefficient which was equal to 0.679 (P=0.001).The internal consistency of the task indicated that the time perception taskhad a near-optimal validity and its reliability was at the optimal level with theCronbach’s alpha which was equal to 0.67.Conclusion: In order to conclude, The Time Perception Software appeared tobe reliable and valid for assessing and measuring time perception in the Iranianstudents. This software can be used in future research investigations.