Document Type : Case Report
1 Department of Speech Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
2 Department of Speech Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a viral disease with immunodeficiencyin human. So, it can involve different areas such as language, speech, motor andmemory. The present research, as a case report, introducing the characteristics ofphonological processes of a child who had Aids and lived in a nursery throughreferring and professional assessing in a speech therapy clinic. The child was a4 year old boy who was in HIV base on blood test. Speech skills was assessedbased on DEAP and language assessment was analyzed according to TOLD-P3.He talked with single word. He used two words sentences rarely. According tolanguage assessment (TOLD-P3), semantic, syntax and phonology features weretested. So he was in emerging language stage. Also his expressive language waslower than his perceive language. In addition, based on DEAP-P test, phonologicalprocess of substitution type has been recognized most. Also, the most of thesubstitution phonological process which accrued have been velar fronting. Thisstudy showed that the most phonological process in a child with HIV was theprocess of substitution. It may be a risk factor for decreasing speech intelligibility.With regard to the results of the present research that showed that the subject hadthe disorder and there are limited researches in this area, it needs more surveys tohelp therapists to make a priority in therapeutic stages.
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